Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 26, 2008

Birthday boy!!!

At last, the moment we all expected is here!!! Raul-Andrei turned one yesterday, so our Christmas this year was all the more special, as we had two things to be thankful for: Christmas with all its meanings and Raul. We tried to capture these beautiful moments to share them with you, but the camera settings were not right and with all the joy around nobody noticed. So we are sorry for the lack of quality of the photos, but I posted them anyway because when we look at any of them we don't see just a pretty and well done picture but a moment of our lives, a happy moment that will stay alive in our hearts for a long time from now on, and I hope you will too. Thank you Raul for all the love you give us everyday and for allowing us to be around you, love and protect you and be happy for you on this special day, and on all those that will follow! We love you!!! Happy Birthday!!!

the three things he chosed are: a screwdriver, a comb, money and a pen at the same time

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Azi baietelul nostru a implinit primul sau anisor! 
Viata mea si tot ceea ce am reprezentat eu ca persoana au primit o alta conotatie atunci cand mi-am tinut bebelusul in brate! 
Nimic nu se compara cu gingasia si caldura pe care le simti atunci cand iti privesti copilul... 

iti spunem in fiecare zi ca te iubim pentru ca TU ESTI CEA MAI IMPORTANTA FIINTA DIN VIATA NOASTRA. Vom fi alaturi de tine neconditionat si vom invata sa privim viata prin ochii tai de copil. Nu exista o realizare si implinire mai mare decat un copil. Esti, practic, ceea ce ramane dupa noi. Cuvintele sunt insuficiente pentru a exprima ceea ce simtim pentru tine.
Sufletele noastre sunt pline de multumire si speranta atunci cand ne uitam in ochisorii tai. 
Sa ne dea Dumnezeu sanantate pentru a te putea creste asa cum ne dorim si peste ani, cand vei vedea aceste randuri sa fii si tu la fel de mandru de noi.  

Te iubim mult! 
Mama si tata

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's almost time!!!

We're ready and can't wait to celebrate Raul's first year! We even rehearsed for it (HAHAHA) on Sunday November 30th as it was St Andrew's Day, with cake, cookies, balloons and many many presents. Raul didn't understand exactly what was happening and was at first shy, but then got into the party mood and was as happy as he could be!

He has improved his walking and dancing skills and makes us melt as he learned how to give us kisses (however if you can't settle for just one kiss you'll receive a slap in the face instead :)), so beware!). I'll have to post a video soon, as I cannot put in words how sweet he is dancing, or answering to questions like "Who's the boss around the house" with "MAMAMAMA"!!! 

We can't wait for X-mas to come, but at the same time we wish that he could stay like this forever, this small and loving!!! We hope things will only get better, every year happier than the last!

                                                                                   sibiu at night

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A small step for Raul, a huge step for our family :)

Yesterday Raul proved his courage by making his first steps all by himself. Here's a short video of his adventure:

I also added some of our favorite automn pics. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Showing my dad some love!

Koko...remember yesterday when you gave Raul the keyboard to play with? You saw he wrote me sth...here's what he said:

The words to tell a dad just how special he is can be hard to find, and when you have a dad like mine it seems they don't even exist! Still, I'll try to use these simple words to thank you for the chance to receive and experience every day all the love you have to offer. I know your life is busy, but there's always time for mommy and me even if it means neglecting your work! I see you're never willing to miss one moment with me and I always come first. I'm just a little boy now, but I know your heart will never change and you will always be next to me to give me a kiss on the cheek when I wake up, to have fun times together, to teach me how to ride a bicycle, how to play basketball and later how to drive a car. I want you to be one of my very best friends and I hope you know that I take pride in calling you "tatatata" and that when I'm all grown up you're what I want to be!!!
Dad, I love you for holding me high off the ground while playing "the parachute", for watching me giggle when you bounce me on your knee, for making my baths so fun, for always tucking me in to bed, for caressing me for 6 months, for making me a Capricorn so that I could be closer to being you and for many other things you do for our family and things you haven't done yet, but that will come with my growing up! Thank you, my special daddy!!!!