Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Grinning from ear to ear

Just a few pictures to share with you the happy face of a little angel:

PS: The vaccines went great!!! He was so brave!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

8 week vaccines

I'm back from my trip and as I promised I'm ready to continue blogging!
Don't you sometimes hate that time flies so fast? This time last year Iri wasn't even pregnant yet and now we're facing so much joy! Raul is 8 weeks (already!!!) and he's such an easy baby to love and take care of that we couldn't be any happier. However, he sometimes is restless and somehow discontented especially in the days when it's too cold to take him out. You can really see the difference between the days when we walk through the park and those when the temperature is too low to do that. Can't wait for the spring to come!!! Other than this he is still growing and gaining weight well, sleeping better than ever, smiling for mommy and daddy and playing all the time. Later today he'll have his 8 week vaccines and we are all keeping our fingers crossed so that everything turns out well and he doesn't cry or suffer. I'll let you know how that went in my next post.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

a few recent pictures

Just a quick note to let you know that Raul did great these past few days and to share some recent pics. I promise to write more when I come back from my well-deserved trip...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sunt copil ca fiecare...de Adrian Paunescu

I forgot to post a poem which is very dear to us and which Raul likes very much...

Sunt copil ca fiecare
Si ma joc mereu,
Jucaria cea mai mare
Este tatal meu.
Si cand tata nu-i acasa
Ci-i altundeva
Jucaria cea frumoasa
Este mama mea.
Si cand mama si cu tata
Sunt plecati de-aici
Pentru joc, sa tineti seama,
Am niste bunici.
Scumpa mama, draga tata
Roata nu sta-n loc,
Ca voi fi si eu odata
Jucarie-n joc.

This is an older picture, but I think it fits well here...

the first time...

Raul is 6 weeks now and every day more lively and energetic. He wants to hang out with mommy and daddy and feels like playing even during night. He smiles broadly at things and at his reflection in the mirror and sometimes seems to burst into hearty laughter but in silent as he makes no sounds. He's so cute...you should see him. Yesterday was a big day for me...we went walking through the park and he enjoyed every moment of it and I HELD HIM FOR THE FIRST TIME...it was such a joy!!! (the reason for which I didn't do it before is because I was afraid that he might cry). I can't begin to describe what I felt...I know that he is not as fragile as he seems but still, holding a newborn is a great responsibility after all. He didn't cry...I think he starts to like his aunty...HA!HA!HA!

Oh...one more thing...his baptism will take place on March 1st. It will be a small reception...family and friends only!