Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like spring!

At last spring is here and we couldn't be any happier!!! We finally put away our winter clothes and prepared for the sun. Our walks are so much fun now that the park is full of babies of all ages we can hang out with and make friends. Despite the fact that Raul sleeps most of the time spent outside, mommy made a lot of new friends that have kids of Raul's age and older.
These three months and a half have been a bless and we couldn't ask for more! Raul is the bee's knees, always full of beans and smiles for everybody. He's so precious even when he sleeps or cries. Now that the cold weather is history I'm sure that we'll experience every day more joy and blessings, which hopefully we'll share with you more often. Kiss kiss

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, look at how big he's getting?! he looks like he's just coming alive! :) Precious pictures, thanks for the updates. It's so cool to be able to see him grow...we look forward to meeting him someday!