Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Way in which Raul takes after his mommy :)

Holidays are over now, but they left behind a bunch of sweet memories (so cool that they invented cameras!). This year for the 1st time we celebrated Easter, mommy's b-day and Labor Day with Raul and he made everything greater with his smile and gestures. As you will see in the pictures, Raul has turned into a gentle and tender little boy, very loving with his parents and responsive to what happens around him. And we finally found sth in which he takes after Iri! I'll let you see the pictures and guess what I'm talking about. :))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just precious! And I don't know how they do it, but I agree with you...everything is better, sweeter, and more memorable when a little one is around! :)I love the header picture!