Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy birthday to...me :)

On Sunday we celebrated my 21st anniversary and Raul made it all the more special for me with his presence, laughter and curiosity. I really enjoyed being around my family and then my friends, and although we did nothing fancy I felt appreciated and special. Thanks to all those who made it happen! Here are some photos of our "party" at home:

singing me "happy birthday" :)

this seemed like the perfect occasion to answer to Manu's request and post pictures of my parents :)

Now Ola isn't the only one with a new hairdo (only mine is temporary) :)

Here are some photos of Raul's adventure at the zoo...

And since we had an eventful week I just had to post some photos of our daily trips to "Ocna" :)

with his buddy Alex (remember him?)

And last but not least take a look at this crazy aunt :))

the most beautiful mommy :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008