Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 2, 2008

more summer pics...


Anonymous said...

Hola, como va?, muy buen Blog, voy a seguir pasando, cuando quieras pasate por el mio, Saludos!! que andes bien


Anonymous said...

Love all the cute pics!!! I think Raul is really favoring his daddy in some of those! Has it been cold there, I saw all the jackets. Happy summer! Looks like it's been a fun one for you all! Hugs and kisses!

Manu said...

Merci pentru noile fotografii. Irina si Koko arata atat de fericiti. Stiu ca e blogul lui Andrei dar mai pune si ceva poze cu Doru, Ani si cu tine =)

Florescu 3 said...

Raul is growing up so quickly:]] very cute pics!!! thanks for updating the blog so often, so everyone can see the lastest pics :]]] Kisses & hugs!! :)