Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

our green-eyed miracle

9 months in just a few days...Time really flies, and when you are so busy making memories to last for a lifetime you don't even realize just how fast it does. That's what we were up to this past month, making the most of every day spent with Raul. He's such a big boy now. He made his first steps and even if he still has a long way to go, we're getting there. He's climbing everything around the house, the furniture, sofa, and we found him in places we never thought he could reach. I guess we have to be extra careful now that he's crawling with full speed in his attempt to get his hands on all there is around. I know I said it before, but he really is the apple of our eyes, and we love him sooooooooo!!!!

"Let me have him!" Muhahahhh
Helping mommy do the cleaning..:)
our green-eyed miracle

last summer days...:(
family portrait...(I didn't have time to work on the lights)
holding hands with my pal...

baby exchange

trip to Cluj...


Morrice said...

Thanks for updating us! I check your blog everyday as part of my morning routine :)

diana said...

Stiu cum e cu "miracolele" astea dulci.Si sa vedeti mai tarziu cate ghidusii si chestii care o sa va topeasca de drag or sa fie.Va iubim!

Anonymous said...

Just look at how he's grown! He'll be walking before you know it! Precious pictures!

Manu said...

Ma bucur sa vad cum creste Raul si mai ales cum va face pe voi sa zambiti si sa fiti mai veseli. Ne gandim des la voi si speram sa va putem vedea curand. Ar trebui sa planuim din timp si sa facem cu totii o saptamana de vacanta undeva, si cand spun cu totii ma refer la absolut toata lumea si de aceea cred ca locul potrivit ar fi Jugur...sau daca nu undeva la vreo cabana pe langa un lac...

hoost said...

Imi place poza cu voi trei.Aratati super.Va pup!