Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring time!

I decided to follow Leslie’s example and post quite a few pictures of Raul taken these past few beautiful spring days. As you will see he is getting so big, sweet and friendly, always with a big smile on his face although there are moments when you can really see his personality while trying to have it his way! He is still the joy of every single of our days, and has it in himself to surprise us with little yet so loving gestures when we least expect it but need it the most! We wouldn't change him for anything!

                 i don't believe you've seen his new haircut


Anonymous said...

Haha! I can see a little attitude there! Just like Gianna... they'll be the feisty ones! :) Enjoy your sweet little boy, this summer is gonna be sooooo fun!!! Love you all!

Morrice said...

Ce strengar!!! Dragut foc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hoost said...

ce smecher!