Our growing boy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy birthday to...me :)

On Sunday we celebrated my 21st anniversary and Raul made it all the more special for me with his presence, laughter and curiosity. I really enjoyed being around my family and then my friends, and although we did nothing fancy I felt appreciated and special. Thanks to all those who made it happen! Here are some photos of our "party" at home:

singing me "happy birthday" :)

this seemed like the perfect occasion to answer to Manu's request and post pictures of my parents :)

Now Ola isn't the only one with a new hairdo (only mine is temporary) :)

Here are some photos of Raul's adventure at the zoo...

And since we had an eventful week I just had to post some photos of our daily trips to "Ocna" :)

with his buddy Alex (remember him?)

And last but not least take a look at this crazy aunt :))

the most beautiful mommy :)


Morrice said...

Ce de poze!! :) Asa imi place sa gasesc cand intru pe net!
Alex sa stii ca imi place parul tau! Nu am stiut ca l-ai tuns. Transmite salutari tuturor!! Asa de dor imi este cand va vad pe toti!!!

Alexandra said...

He he...de tuns l-am tuns din aprilie, acum am incercat sa vad cum arata intins! Ma bucur ca-ti place! Si noua ne este dor de tine. Mai pune si tu ceva poze pe blogul tau!!!pupici

diana said...

Si mie,si mie imi place cu parul intins!Si tare frumoasa mai esti!!
Sa nu lasi pe nimeni vreodata sa spuna altceva.

Florescu 3 said...

Happy Birthday to You!! :] may all your wishes come true! ;] We love the new pics of everyone:):) and I love you new hair do (: Kisses & hugs from us for everyone!! :]:]

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Alex! Everyone looks great! And it looks like you are all enjoying some nice summer days! How fun!

Manu said...

Sarut-mana pentru poze si sa-mi fie rusine ca numai acum apuc sa-ti spun La Multi Ani! desi iti doresc si urez asta in fiecare zi. M-am bucurat sa va vad pe toti si ca si ceilalti am apucat si eu sa mor de dor putin. Speram sa va vedem cat mai curand posibil!

Morrice said...

Vino in Aemerica si te duc la magazinul de Craciun!!!